the USA as a country will, at some point in time, experience an overwhelming shame. as history progresses classified documents tend to be declassified and available. and when the world eventually reads in its history books about the US led wars and reads about the truths behind those wars, it will not have as option of judgement, it will only have as option of condemnation... and as the world points the fingers at the Americans condemning them of the crimes their country has done i really don't see how they'll avoid not being shamed... my country defeated the nazi Germany, sacrificed so much - this is what fighting for freedom is. when the US looses 4500 people in Iraq and kills well over a million locals - this is not fighting for freedom, this is slaughter. and the 4500 is the logical outcome of resistance, a very weak resistance...
the US went to Iraq on false premises of WMD and later it was proven Iraq didn't have any WMD. so obviously the goal was achieving something else, not finding WMD and it was not about freedom (for Americans nor for Iraqis)... now it's the same bullshit about Syria. the Syrian government is under attack by the terrorists! but the US wants to help those terrorists! it wants to overthrow the legitimate government! and it presents the case to its people upside down... but who's fault is it that people listen to that bullshit? the bullshit that will make those people shamed. who's fault is it? you and your children will be shamed later, looked down upon, because YOU fail to be a logical, truth seeking human being! it's hard to find truth in this swamp of lies, it's almost impossible actually. but as Christ said - by their deeds they will be known. you shouldn't wait until a certain fact is put into your mouth, because even if it is you still won't believe it (like who here believes the US government attacked WTC on 9-11? i can give you hundreds of leads that will form that undeniable opinion in you head).
you must THINK and come to conclusions. it is your duty to THINK! the primary duty of a human being is to BE a human being. only humans record history... and if you don't want to be thought of as brainless by your own children who will be covered in shame - then THINK and look for TRUTH!
and it's not in the media - here's a good start for you - there is NO freedom of speech and every single media company is owned by banks or big corporations (that are in turn owned by banks...). you might as well though out you TV (i did about 10 years ago. i said "every time i watch television i feel myself like a toilet" and i threw the damn thing away).
media is there to form your vision! it's not there to educate you. actually it is there to entertain you! the Western "philosophy" became very simple - the first duty in life is to be entertained!.. no, there are other duties in life. one of them is to be educated. being stupid used to be very shameful - but not anymore... now it's OK to be stupid as long as you have fun. but this "philosophy" will die, and i hope it dies soon.
here is your second self-educating step, and you don't even have to struggle to get this cuz i'm saying it to you - the education system is owned by corporations and banks... think about it - being a doctor is probably the most cynical profession you can occupy. because your industry (the pharmaceuticals) is NOT interested in healthy people but IS interested in sick people! when patients are healthy they don't make any money...
think physics - we strive to create a more fuel efficient engines but the knowledge is based on conserving the current fuel-powered model - which is using up natural resources, oil, gas, coal... the new technology it out there but we don't see it and we wont see it for another, i don't know, 100 years? basically until the oil companies complete exploiting the remaining resources leaving our children without them...
take economics - i think it's pseudoscience and i doubt it ever was a science (and i'm an economist)... i now know that what we were taught in school is not working. the university program has nothing to do with the economics! the FED has everything to with it... what is FED? - a private org. owned by banks with power to issue money... did you notice how many times i used the word banks?...
take the military complex - what is it in the US? the US mil budget is 14 next biggest mil. budgets of the next 14 countries COMBINED!!!!!!! is the US waiting for aliens or something? or is it for the world conquest that we are currently seeing?.. where did the US get so much money to afford such budgets? look up the FED issue... you'll say "the US is rich" - no it's not. the US owes twice as much than it produces... how long do you think that will last for?....
you're a human being - you have to be conscious. you cannot afford to thoughtlessly press the trigger and kill somebody in a foreign country just because you were told to do so... this shame will be on your children, it just the way it is... there is a saying - children suffer for the mistakes of their parents... and it's true. it a universal law. whatever you do has an affect in the future. what is future? - children are...
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